NFA Gun Trusts and the Upcomin 41P, what it means to me!

Posted by Administrator on 1/13/2015 to NFA/ Suppressors, SBRs, and Machine-guns
In September of 2013, the ATF proposed a rule change called Regulation 41P for way that gun trusts and other entities would be allowed to purchase or transfer items such as suppressors, short barreled rifles, and fully automatic weaponry. Once the regulation is put into place trusts and other entities will be required to submit fingerprints, photographs, background checks, and get a sign off from the chief law enforcement office (CLEO) in their area. When these rules are changed, a comment period is opened so that the general public can voice its concerns about the proposed rule change. The American Suppressor Association and other groups organized the largest comment turn out for any federal rule change with a historic 9,479 comments entered. By law the ATF has to respond to all of these comments in writing before the final decision on the rule can be made. The comment period for 41P ended in December 2013. The ATF has indicated that it is coming close to answering all of the comments and could likely reach a final decision as early as May 2015. Once the final decision is reached a 60 day grace period would take place to allow for legal challenges and Congressional review. Once this rule passes, the benefits and streamlined purchasing afforded to gun trusts will be removed and replaced with more regulation and hassle. If you have been thinking of making a purchase of a suppressor or a short barreled rifle, there is still time to act but it is a narrow window. We have a local attorney that can work with you to get your gun trust setup quickly and efficiently so that you can make your purchases with us with confidence. At Bayou Gun Runner we want to arm you with the facts to enable you to take advantage of your rights before they are taken away by more government regulation. The time to act is now to ensure that you are able to purchase your suppressor or short barreled rifle in the most convenient way possible. Give us a call so that we can get your purchases moving today!
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