Odin Works 7.5" Vs. 10.5"

Posted by Marchiafava1 on 9/21/2014 to PRODUCT REVIEW AND TESTING
Odin Works 7.5
Been a while since I made my first Blog/Introduction, moving/life/work has kept me busy. While the first review was supposed to be an 18" barrel comparo, it didn't turn out that way (my own fault). So here we are with a Odin Works 7.5" Versus 10.5" review.
Loaded up the truck and headed to High Noon Gun Range in Crosby Texas. It's a nice, extremely well kept "Mom & Pop" range. As standard at indoor ranges, there are Pistol lanes and Rifle lanes, both well lit and well ventilated.
Both guns are built on the same lower's and both feature Spikes Enhanced LPK's. If you have yet to check out the "E-LPK" do yourself a favor and do so! They come with NiBx coating on all trigger/sear parts, abmi safety and Ergo grip. While still a standard trigger, it feels much crisper and less "gritty" than others I have used. Plus it comes with anti roll pins as well. Obviously both barrels are Odin Work's, Stainless Steel with a 1 in 8 twist. Odin Work's makes some of the most beautiful Stainless barrels I have seen to date. Excellent machining and beautifully finished, I just can't say enough about them (maybe why I have bought 4 to date).
The 7.5" gun uses a Crosshill NiBx BCG. While not as slick feeling or as smooth operating as a Spikes NiBx BCG it has never given me any issues in the roughly 700 rounds I have ran through this gun. If your looking for a NiBx BCG without the big price tag, I don't feel you can go wrong. For a rail I picked up a 5.5" Odin Work's key mod rail. All of Odin's rails are lite, sexy, and impeccably machined. I also like the way they mount with 6 screws, unlike some rails that clamp onto standard barrel nuts. Since I used my extra Noveske Flaming Pig on my 14.5 Odin build, I threw on a YHM Phantom Comp/Flash hider. Yes, it is LOUD and yes it throws fire in spectacular fashion! The lower is capped off with a Rock River Arms pistol buffer and Sig Brace. Let me warn you, while there is absolutely nothing wrong with RRA's pistol buffer, the knurled machining makes it difficult to slip on the Sig brace.  Mounted on top is one of my personal favorite red dot's, the AimPoint PRO (Patrol Rifle Optic). I have had 2 of these for years with no issues. You can usually pick them up in the low 400 dollar range. For a solid and reliable red dot, my search always stops at the AimPoint's.
The 10.5" gun is running a Spike's black phosphate BCG. As all my other's, it runs flawlessly. Nice finish and smooth operation. Can you really go wrong with Spike's?? Operating the BCG is a Raptor charging handle. I absolutely love these! Easy to operate in a rush or with gloves. The rail is a 9" Samson that I have been moving around my closet for years. Fairly lite weight and has proven sturdy. While personally I am not a fan of the mounting, it has never moved or given me any issue. Topping of the 10.5" barrel is a Noveske Flaming Pig. Not much to say about it's function as it is widely known they perform as they are supposed to. This muzzle device keeps the blast away from others next to you and it is much quieter for those around you as well. Your shooting partner will appreciate it! Finishing up the lower is a Spike's pistol buffer. Fit and finish are great, and unlike the Rock River Arm's pistol buffer, installing the Sig Brace is much more drama feel. Although the Sig Brace will slip around a tad more it has never been an issue for me. I have heard for quite some time that the Vortex SPARC was quickly gaining popularity as a quality well priced red dot. On a quick run to Academy I picked one up. A word to the wise, make sure you use Loc-Tite on the small mounting screws. On my first trip to the range 2 of them worked their way loose, A quick dab of Loc-Tite and I was back in business. The only real complaint I have is, for me, on the brightest setting the dot becomes fuzzy at the edges. I typically do not run it on that setting so it really isn't a complaint, just something to watch out for. It comes with a 2X magnifier that screws on. I have only used it once, and it works as expected. View through the glass is as good as the AimPoint.
For ammo I grabbed a few boxes of the following:
Winchester PDX1 in 60 grain and 77 grain
Hornady Match 75 grain BTHP
For shits and giggles I also picked up a box of Winchester Varmint X in 40 grain.
In my opinion the practical use for a SBR (short barreled rifle) is close quarter combat or home defense. This is the reasoning behind my ammo choices (besides the 40 grain which was to see what the lighter grain would do in a SBR) and the ranges in which I was shooting. On my next trip to the outdoor range I plan to see how they perform at a little farther distance and will update this review, albeit not as in depth.
After sighting the rifle in at 45' with bulk ammo, a 5 shot group was shot with each gun. The first at 45' and the second at 75'. All shooting was done seated, using a Caldwell shooting rest. In the future I will be using a Caldwell "Lead Sled" to remove as much of the human element as I can out of testing. While not a world class marksmen, I have generally been able to do well. I used a "machinists ruler" to measure groups at the largest point in inches.
Results as follows:
Hornady Match 75 grain BTHP
7.5" shot a 1" group @ 45'
10.5" shot a 1/2" group @ 45'
7.5" shot a 2" group @ 75'
10.5" shot a 1 1/8" group @ 75'
I  had a bad flyer with the 10.5" @ 75', NOT counting it, 3/4" @ 75'.
Winchester PDX1 77 grain split core hollow point
7.5" shot a 3/4" group @ 45'
10.5" shot a 1 1/4" group at 45'
7.5" shot a 7/8" group @ 75'
10.5" shot a 1 3/8" group @ 75'
Winchester PDX1 60 grain split core hollow point
7.5" shot a 3/4" group @ 45'
10.5 shot a 1" group @ 45'
7.5 shot a 1 1/2" group @ 75'
10.5" shot a 1 1/4" group @ 75'
Winchester Varmint X 40 grain polymer tip
7.5" shot a 1 1/4" group @ 45'
10.5" shot a 3/4" group @ 45'
7.5" shot a 1 3/8' group @ 75'
10.5' shot a 3/4" group @ 75'
The 7.5" gun would not cycle the 40 grain reliably, would hang up feeding the next round 12 of 20 times. The 10.5" gun ran this ammo just fine. I have yet to really investigate this, once I do I will post up my findings. Both guns ran all other ammo and bulk PMC and Federal just fine with no FTF or FTE issue's.
So there it is. The first review. While I have certainly gained knowledge on things to make the next one better, we are always open to ideas from you guys as well. None of this would be possible without the loyal customers Bayou Gun Runner has now. Carlos and BGR have come a long way in a short time, and I know he is always looking at ways to kick it up a notch.
Thanks for reading, and please comment with ideas or thoughts! We welcome the negative as well as the positive! We all learn from the good as much as the bad!
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